Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Historical, historical-artistic and archaeological studies provide the keys to sustain the different ways of understanding the world. They develop critical capacity and contribute to the understanding of our culture over time. They teach us to argue, a necessary skill for the construction of democratic life. Professionals in history, art history and archeology play an important role in shaping the historical-cultural identity of countries and ultimately of our values ​​as free citizens.

Our undergraduate training program (PFG) groups two different but complementary degrees: the History Degree and the Art History and Archeology Degree. Both share a common First Course and also several subjects throughout the 4 years: a minimum of 90 ECTS and 60 FB credits. It is important to know that a PFG allows students to change degrees if they wish at no additional cost. The proposal of this new Program is linked to reflections on the role that new technologies play in the process of accumulation, selection, reproduction, study and transmission of the cultural heritage of the past. For this reason, one of the axes on which the new PFG has been designed is the centrality of the digital humanities in the new processes of learning and transmission of knowledge. This is to train a new generation of professionals who master digital media both from a technical point of view and from a theoretical point of view.

The URV has been the promoter of the Campus of International Excellence South Catalonia CEICS that consolidates the strategic union of the entities and structures of teaching, research and knowledge transfer with the productive sector of the South of Catalonia. Among its strategic lines are the heritage, culture and tourism sectors, directly linked to the teaching of History with Prehistory and Classical Archeology such as those of investigation. More information online: http://grauhaaurv.cat/